Stop Comparing & Start Celebrating!

Do you find yourself comparing your Chapter 3 to someone else's Chapter 20?

I sure do!!

 And it doesn't help, because not only is comparison the thief of joy in your life... it is also a lie.


The story you are making up about other people's success, confidence, and journey is a fairytale.  

The success you see is a pretty wrapped package. If you could open it up and look inside, you would find:

  • Mistakes and decisions that didn’t work out

  • Money spent on products and services that didn’t turn a profit

  • Missed opportunities

  • Fear and Stress

  • Hard Work

  • Sleepless Nights

  • Trying, Failing, Learning, and Trying Again… and Again… and Again…

We all struggle, make mistakes, and worry about how in the heck we are going to make our big dreams become our reality!

And that woman who you are comparing yourself to… guess what she’s doing?!?

Mentally listing all of the ways that she doesn’t measure up to YOU and other women who are bravely creating their dream lives!

There is no short cut or “right way” to build a career, create a successful business, or start a side hustle. There is only YOUR way! And it’s going to be messy.

Really… Really… Messy…

We are all struggling, learning, figuring things out, making mistakes, and trying something new.

Thank Heavens!

Because the struggle is how we learn and grow!

You are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be!!

Celebrate your accomplishments, share your expertise, and Keep Rising!!!

The World Needs YOU and YOUR Special Magic!!


Dollywood Holds a Secret about YOUR Magical Journey…