Carla Howard: Signature Talks

Change Leadership: Your Key to Business Results & Professional Differentiation

Is Your Inner Critic Designing Your Future?

Moving from Over Explaining to Influencing!

Thriving During Difficult Conversations!

Stop Ruminating & Start Taking Action!

Picture a Leader. Is She a Woman?

Owning Your Rise!


TEDx Barton Springs Picture a Leader. Is She a Woman?

Meet Carla The Professional Woman’s Mentor

Association of Change Management Professionals Change Leadership: Your Key to Business Results & Professional Differentiation

Disrupt HR Picture a Leader. Is She a Woman?

Contact Carla

(623) 670-3893


Praise for Carla’s Talks

“We recently engaged Carla as our Keynote Speaker and she was nothing short of amazing. The women in attendance all raved about how much value and insight she brought to the conference. Can't say enough about Carla, check her out on YouTube, buy her book, go listen o her speak, do one do all, you won't be disappointed.”

"Once in a while you listen to a speaker that will inspire you to action: Carla Howard is that speaker"

“My favorite session of the conference!”

"Great start to the conference. Carla provided excellent relevant material that I will be bringing back to share with my team."

"Awesome presentation with a dynamic presenter"

“The examples that Carla gave were easily relatable. In fact, I’ve experienced similar situations,  which made the advice/guidance she provided that much more valuable.”

"Excellent - highly dynamic and effective"

"Fantastic start to the conference! Excellent presentation. CM (Change Management) could be dry, but Mrs. Howard kept it fun and entertaining. Kudos!"

"Dynamic and engaging speaker. Passionate about her topic."

"Excellent and very informative. Kudos to Carla!"

"Carla delivers her message with genuine enthusiasm and humor. Her message is clear, full of insight and can be easily adapted to your situation. Give her a listen, you'll be glad you did."

“What created an “ah ha!” moment for me was when Carla touched on how many times women apologize. Whether it is a discussion or a question, the words I’m sorry are part of the dialogue. I have made personal note of removing those words from my vocabulary and a conscious effort to stop apologizing, especially when I am not at fault!”

"Carla's authentic delivery really resonated with the audience. Her real-life examples made the presentation relatable. Her topics were well thought out and delivered with enthusiasm and warmth. She had great tips for women who struggle to be taken seriously or succeed in the workplace."