Scary Situation… or Exciting Opportunity?!?
Carla Howard Carla Howard

Scary Situation… or Exciting Opportunity?!?

Is there anything going on in your life that has you a bit on edge?

I’ll suspect you have your own “What if” stories… and I’ll bet they don’t have a “Happily Ever After” ending…

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Where Do Ambitious Women Belong?
Carla Howard Carla Howard

Where Do Ambitious Women Belong?

Where do Ambitious Women Belong?You would think that feeling of “not enough” we felt in high school would magically disappear when we become successful (whatever that means).

Turns out it doesn’t…

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The 5-Step Process for Creating 100- day Goals
Carla Howard Carla Howard

The 5-Step Process for Creating 100- day Goals

Are you taking deliberate action every day toward creating your dream life?

Here’s why creating 100-day goals are a critical step toward creating an amazing life, career, business, and rich relationships…

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4 Actions to Overcome a Motivation Crash
Carla Howard Carla Howard

4 Actions to Overcome a Motivation Crash

Ohhhh yes, at some point in our careers, we all experience the dreaded Motivation Crash!!

Motivation Crash is a perfect way to describe how it feels when we are in deep struggle. Trying to figure out what to do next or dreading what we know must be done…

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When Did Women Become So Scary?!?! Men, We Need YOUR Mentorship!
Carla Howard Carla Howard

When Did Women Become So Scary?!?! Men, We Need YOUR Mentorship!

We simply cannot rise if men aren’t willing to support us.

We need their mentorship.

So what the heck can we do to fix this mess?

One thing is certain, it’s going to take all of us talking about the issue, together, and then doing something (or a lot of somethings) to make it better…

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The 3-Step Process: How to move from Over Explaining to Influencing!
Carla Howard Carla Howard

The 3-Step Process: How to move from Over Explaining to Influencing!

Ironically, the times we feel the tug to go into extreme detail are the exact times a concise answer or statement would be most valuable.

Why? Because over explaining creates the exact opposite of what we are trying to accomplish!

Learn the 3-step process to move from over explaining to influencing…

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