Scary Situation… or Exciting Opportunity?!?

Is there anything going on in your life that has you a bit on edge?

As an entrepreneur… my “What if” story has a way of becoming so outrageous that it takes my breath away!!!

What if we…

  • Purchase 150 journals and none of the sell?

  • Create a membership offering and no one signs up?

  • Launch the Change Leadership Workshop and the class doesn’t fill up?

 I could go on… and on… and on…

And my Inner Critic would love it if I did!!!

I’ll suspect you have your own “What if” stories that you’re thinking about as you read this blog.

And I’m going to go out on a limb here… I’ll bet they don’t have a “Happily Ever After” ending.

Getting stuck in a negative “What if” story keeps us stuck.

Stops us from taking action.

Puts a filter on everything in our lives and prevents us from experiencing joy, feeling grateful, and seeing amazing opportunities!!!

Having the right mindset changes everything because: 

  • Looking at life’s challenges as exciting opportunities completely changes how you feel!

  • Changing how you feel will change how you think. 

  • Changing how you think causes you to do different things, 

  • And here is where the magic happens… When you take different actions… You get different results!

 Sooooo… What if you reframed your "Scary Situation" into an "Exciting Opportunity"?

Changing your mindset will change your life!!

 Give it a try… Your Dream Life is Waiting…


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