Where Do Ambitious Women Belong?

Belonging is such a powerful and emotional word. We all have a deep need to belong.

To fit in. To connect.

You would think that feeling of “not enough” we felt in high school would magically disappear when we become successful (whatever that means).

Turns out it doesn’t.

Don’t get me wrong, I am WAAAYYY more comfortable in my skin today, age has a way of easing the awkwardness of youth. I am aware of my unique gifts and value. I’ve built a business that supports our family while helping other women learn to rise and create their dream lives.

I’m soooo proud of these accomplishments.

And yet… I have deeply troubling moments where I yearn to fit in.

To be enough. 

I’ll bet you do too.

Feeling like “I don’t belong” is a common experience for highly ambitious women. We see what others have accomplished, create a quick grading system, tally up the points, and quickly decide that we simply do not fit in.

And you know is happening while we are busy keeping score? Other women are doing the exact same thing. Except that in their grading system YOU are amazing… and THEY don’t fit in.

Because they aren’t enough.

Their accomplishments aren’t as special as yours.

And the comparison goes on… and on… and on…

I’ve seen this play out firsthand with an amazing community of women I am privileged to be a part of. We have been meeting on Zoom calls for the last 8 months, and as I type this blog post I am sitting on plane on my way to Tennessee where we will meet in person for a 3-day retreat. 

These kick-ass women are:

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Emmy Award Winners

  • Best Selling Authors

  • Non-Profit Founders

  • Keynote Speakers

  • Social Media Influencers

  • Engagement Masters

  • Conference & Event Organizers

  • Strategic Change Consultants

  • Business & Life Coaches

  • Bloggers

And yet… I have heard these amazing women repeat some version of:

Thank you for taking me in, I know I don’t belong”

“I don’t know how I ended up with you amazing women.”

“I feel so lucky to be part of this group. I’m not at the level the rest of you are.”

How darn crazy is that?!? Of course, they belong!! And you know what… I do too.

And so do you.

My experience with these fabulous women (along with feeling disconnected due to the inability to meet in person these crazy days) lead me to start the “Sparkle & Rise” community for ambitious women. This closed Facebook group is a safe place for women to dream big and start taking deliberate and imperfect action toward their dram lives.

Inside the Sparkle & Rise community you will meet your Rise Sisters and get to know them through these virtual events:

  • Happier Hour

  • Book Club

  • Coffee Chats

  • Entrepreneur Circles

    • Sharing what is working in our businesses & side hustles

    • Challenges we need advice to overcome

  • Sister Circles

    • These are like a mastermind “hot seat” with love & support

The discussion thread is brimming with thoughtful, fun, and uplifting conversations.

Rise Sisters show up to support each other, listen, and hold space for YOUR Dreams.

Connections are made. Friendships are formed. Lives are changed.

The only thing we are missing… is YOU!

Simply click on this link to join us… you’ll be soooo glad that you did!

I’ll see you there! 💖 💫


Scary Situation… or Exciting Opportunity?!?


The 5-Step Process for Creating 100- day Goals