The 5-Step Process for Creating 100- day Goals

Are you taking deliberate action every day toward creating your dream life? This is probably a difficult question to answer if you haven‘t created 100-day goals.

Here’s why creating 100-day goals are a critical step toward creating an amazing life, career, business, and rich relationships:

  • 100 Days is enough time to achieve something significant.

  • 100 Days doesn’t leave time to waste! You will need to keep taking deliberate action every day in order to achieve your goals.

    Follow this-5 step process...and start taking deliberate action today!

    Step 1: Define Your Dream Life

    Have fun with this step! Imagine that you are off to visit your future self... 10 years from today. You arrive to find that your future self is living your dream life!

    Answer the questions below about what you see in your future:

  • What does your ideal life look like?

  • What have you accomplished?

  • Where do you live?

  • Who do you live with?

  • Describe your health.

  • What are you doing in your career?

  • Do you own a business or a side hustle? If yes, write down the details.

    Step 2: Identify Who You Need to Become

    We are all a work in progress! In this step, you’ll write down who you need to become in order to create your dream life.

  • What do you need to learn?

  • Do you have a success mindset? If not, what needs to change so that you do?

  • Are money blocks / beliefs holding you back from achieving abundance? Write them all down! Every time they pop up to stop you... take one small step past them

  • Who do you need to become to create your dream life?

  • How is self-doubt holding you back?

  • Define the network you need to build.

    Step 3: Define What You Will Accomplish over the next 100 Days

    Review your work from steps 1 & 2. Write down 3 things that you will accomplish over the next 100 days and create SMART goals:

  • Specific - Include these details: Who, What, When, Where, Why

  • Measurable - How will you measure success?

  • Attainable - Set realistic goals. Stretch goals are great, unrealistic goals are not.

  • Relevant - Your 100 Day Goals should support the creation of the dream life you defined in step

  • Time Bound - Write down the date you will complete each goal.

    Step 4: Identify Baby Steps & Take Daily Action

    The secret to making big leaps is taking small steps every day that move you closer to your goals. Every morning, review your three 100 Day Goals, and decide how you will take deliberate action that moves you closer to achieving your goals. Write down the tasks you will complete before your head hits the pillow!

  • Identify 3 “must complete” tasks / actions

  • List 3 - 5 bonus tasks and complete as many as possible

  • Check off each item as you complete the task

    Step 5: Journal About Your Progress

    This step is soooo important! It will keep you organized, accountable, and focused on the small things you must do every day to create your dream life!!

    And the best only takes 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening!! That’s it!

    I’m going to give you the exact journaling prompts that are in the Sparkle & Rise Goal Journal! You can use a blank journal from Amazon and hand write these prompts every day....or purchase the Sparkle & Rise Digital Goal Journal at this link!

    Here are your journaling prompts:

    Morning Journaling

  • Did I start my day with visualization / meditation?

  • My Mantra for today:

  • This is how I will show up today to achieve my dreams:

  • In xx Days: These fabulous things will have happened! (list your three 100-day goals here)

  • Note this is a count down every day... starts on day 1 @ “In 99 Days”

  • Today, I’ll take these baby steps to make my dreams come true: 

    Evening Journaling

  • I’m proud of myself for:

  • Here’s how I’ll make tomorrow even better:

  • These magical moments made my day sparkle:

  • Dear Diary,

    I can’t wait to hear about all of the Amazing Things YOU Accomplish! Are you ready?

    It’s time to get started! 


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