4 Actions to Overcome a Motivation Crash

Ohhhh yes, at some point in our careers, we all experience the dreaded Motivation Crash!!

Valerie Gordon (amazing storyteller, speaker, and trainer) recently shared a hilarious and incredibly accurate story on LinkedIn about the crash of motivation (you can read it at this link), and it got me thinking about my own struggles lately with staying motivated.

Motivation Crash is a perfect way to describe how it feels when we are in deep struggle. Trying to figure out what to do next or dreading what we know must be done.

I’m there now, and this time it has taken me by surprise. You see, I usually can see my Motivation Crashes coming long before they hit the shore.

I’m not sure knowing it’s coming helps to make it better, what does help is knowing what to do next.

Here are the four deliberate actions that help me get my mojo back. I hope they will help you too!

  • Meditation / Visualization If you haven’t added meditation and visualization to your daily routine yet, please oh please make it a priority starting today! Taking deep breaths, quieting your mind, and visualizing your desired future will ease anxiety and stress. And THAT is key in determining your next steps.

  • Get Physical Do something physical every day! Take a walk. Dance. Swim. Go to the Gym. Anything that gets your body moving will do the trick. Bonus points if you find a way to get a bit of exercise outdoors. Being outside helps to clear your thoughts and improve your mindset.

  • Journal Even when you don’t feel like it. Scratch that, especially when you don’t feel like it! Journaling is particularly helpful when you write down your goals and the actions you are committed to take that day to achieve your dream life! (click here to check out our 100-Day Digital Goal Journal)

  • Take Deliberate Action

    UGH! This is the hard one. When our motivation crashes, we are in emotional quicksand and taking action is hard. Really hard. This is where the journaling about your goals and next steps really helps. Once you’ve identified the small (I’m taking very small…) steps that you need to take it’s time to get moving!

  • Block off time on your calendar

  • Commit to taking deliberate action

  • Check off the tasks as they are completed

  • Congratulate yourself on taking deliberate action!

    Motivation Crashes are scary, frustrating, and all consuming.

    It’s also a great time to reassess, refocus, and open ourselves up to new opportunities.

    What are the deliberate actions you take during a Motivation Crash to reset and start moving toward your dream life?


The 5-Step Process for Creating 100- day Goals


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