Building your email list is a critical step for your business!!

This is true whether you are just starting a side hustle or you are supporting your lifestyle with your business!

Here’s the thing… building an audience on social media is risky, because the platforms can change their rules of engagement at any time! Heck… they could even close up shop completely, and if you haven’t captured the email addresses of your fans… you’ll have no way to contact the people who WANT to buy from you! 

Still not convinced?

Consider these facts:

  • Email drives more sales conversions than any social media site

  • Click through rates for email campaigns is around 3.3% with an open rate of around 20% (50% higher than Facebook's rates)

  • You own your email list! Social media sites own their email lists… and they won’t share them with you.

It’s time to Grow YOUR Email List!!! 💖

Weekly Quick Tips

Welcome to your June Bundle!

Managing the “Unsubscriber Blues”!

What to Share…

Staying Focused on Growing Your Email List

Afraid to Hit Send???

Quick tip videos will be emailed to you every Friday and added above!! Each video will include bonus tips and recommendations not found in the workshop bundle.

Be sure to check your email or come back here to continue YOUR learning journey!!!